Nutre tu marca, nutre la niñez
Organismo de nutrición infantil

At the Child Nutrition Agency (ONI) we are actively fighting against child malnutrition in the most vulnerable, marginalized areas.

Breaking the cycle of food insecurity is possible: our community interaction program transforms communities through nutrition and education.

Nutrition program

We issue daily helpings of Onifórmula®, our food supplement, according to infant age and nutritional state, covering the prenatal, pregnancy, and breast-feeding stages.

We provide personalized timely follow-ups for families, with services including evaluation, diagnostics, intervention, and monitoring of their children’s nutritional states.

Education program

We inform families about nutrition, health, family care, human development, and home technology.

We encourage permanent healthy habits through:

Onidiario: worksheets that promote family integration and learning.

Educational sessions: spaces for playful learning and community bonding.

Organismo de nutrición infantil
With Onifórmula®, every development stage is nutritionally covered

Prevents and recovers from malnutrition

Promotes growth

Helps brain functioning

Contributes to developing strong, healthy bones

Strengthens the immune system

Prevents anemia

Improves digestion

Formulas for the pregnancy stage to age 6

5,500 children

We feed over 5,500 children daily at 70 community centers

High quality Onifórmula®

We formulate our Onifórmula® with quality raw materials that comply with ISO 9001:2015, FSSSC 22000, Kosher, and Halal

300,000 children

Over 300,000 children have taken back their health in our intervention spaces

transparent Organization

We are a transparent organization backed by the CEMEFI (Mexican Center for Philanthropy) for over 18 years

Organismo de nutrición infantil

Intervention zones in Mexico

Care center 293 Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries 67 Care centers distributed as follows: 49 Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara 14 Sierra Wixárika 4 Poncitlán

Care center 171 Beneficiaries

Your company is vital in breaking the cycle of food insecurity Join us

Your donation: 100% pledged to childhood nutrition

All children deserve a healthy life. Together, we can end childhood malnutrition and invest in new opportunities for their futures. Support from businesses is crucial in this fight. Join the cause with your business through our Community Affairs and Corporate Social Responsibility programs.

Sponsor a child

Financial donations to save them from malnutrition

Sponsor a care center

Your donation can cover the needs of one or more care centers

A replicable model in Latin America

Expand ONI’s reach in Latin American countries with our replicable model

Make the first step - your company could nourish new generations

Donations are secure, transparent, and tax deductible.

For every dollar invested in early childhood, the return is up to $13 USD
(Unicef, 2020)

Fill out the form below to schedule a meeting with our Fundraising staff.